Thursday, May 16, 2013

Dobson High School Spring 2013 Dance Concert

On May 2nd, Lindsey performed in the Dobson High School Spring 2013 Dance Concert...

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

2013 Arizona Renaissance Festival

This year Dawn & I attend the Arizona Renaissance Festival on two different days. Below are some of the pictures Steven made during our visits.

My Parents Visit Us From the East Coast

Steven's parent came out to visit us during the Holidays and we took them on a whirlwind tour of Arizona. Major highlights included going to Tombstone and Bisbee right after Christmas Day where it snowed on us during the visit.

2012 AZ Ironman

Once again we volunteers to help with the 2012 Arizona Ironman. We were able to work at our favorite spot Run Station #6. This was our fourth year working at this station. Here are a some pictures of what we do there:

I was also experimenting with my GoPro camera had I made a timelapse of the first three hours of runners at the station.